We hadn't gone to visit Tiffany in Rexburg since we dropped her off 3 years ago, (she did come home to visit on occasion...) so we thought it would be good to visit her to see where she worked and played...we had such a great time! Breanna met us there also...she drove from Provo to hang out with us.

So we got to see her in action playing Ultimate Frizbee...

Played pool at Tiff's lounge...one of Landon's favorite pasttimes while waiting for girls to get ready...

Straightened mom's hair for a new and updated look.

We went to Tiffany's restaurant where she worked for a while, met Steven who's she's dating...(do I dare say that?!?....:), went bowling, to a car show, stadium singing, played way too long at the BYU Bookstore (Apple area), and just hung out playing games....

And watched Steven and Landon play TRON on a little itty bitty screen....:)

We also celebrated Father's Day, the best way Eldon knows how...with his family. We sure missed Telisha, Nate, Sidney, Owen and Tanner though!!!!!!!

Thanks for the fun memories Tiff! We love you!
I'm not jealous.....boohoohoo :( Love you guys and glad you had fun (as always)!
don't worry t we did think about you guys often. sorry you couldn't be there :( thanks again mom, dad, landon and bree for taking the time to visit! it was such a blast! We were able to do sooo much in little time. loved it! love ya'll! :D
That WAS a great time. I'm glad you included the roller coaster picture, Mom. It's hilarious. T, we really did miss you guys. We always do!
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