
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fun Halloween Cards...

I'm having so much fun making simple cards with my Cricut...I thought I'd start to share...

 Aren't they so fun!?

Gotta Love Autumn!

This tree sits in the front of our yard.  I bought it just for the colorful leaves it's supposed to showcase in the autumn!

 These two pictures are from one day...
And this was two days later...getting more red...
Love it!

Happy Halloween!

Last night we held our traditional carving of the ended up being just Tami and Eldon carving because Landon had to go to a city council meeting for his government class.  We had a hoot just with the three of us.  Of course, it wouldn't have been the same if Tami hadn't come with her usual pumpkin ideas.  Not to worry that it only took her 3 1/2 hours to get it done!  
Here's Tami getting the pumpkin all ready for the carving...
 As you can see in the background, on the table...Eldon's is already done...:)

Eldon's cute and very simple jack o lantern...
 And after 3 1/2 hours of cutting out circles to fit the various small pumpkins and gourds...
 Here is what she ended up with!  We've named her Ulga, a perfect name for a Halloween Pumpkin!
 Can you see the hugeness of this freakin' pumpkin!?
 As soon as Landon saw this pumpkin, he picked it up and did this with it....LOL!
So, Tami decided to do the same....!  We laughed our heads off all evening long.  Thanks for the great night Tami!  Wouldn't have been the same without you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

BYU vs San Jose Football Game trip

October 2011 - We thought we'd take a very quick trip to Utah to visit Bree and see Tiffany and go to our once a year football game.  We were able to stay with Darrell and Katherine, they are always so gracious to have us.  We tried to fit in as much as we possibly could while we were there.

 Eating dinner at Red Robin...

We also went to the BYU Spectacular.  It was Homecoming Weekend.  It was amazing!...Landon didn't love it as much, or so he says...but he'll enjoy pretty much anything if his sisters are there....
 Breanna and Tiffany
 Breanna, Tiffany and Landon

 Rebecca Johnson and Tiffany!  We loved seeing Rebecca!

 After the game....Landon, Tiffany and Breanna

 Tiffany with Cosmo!
 Hiking with Darrell, Katherine, Tyler, Trevor, Kevin, Tiffany, Breanna and Eldon at Maple Grove Canyon (?)  I think that's what it was called....

Monday, October 3, 2011

Visiting Teaching in Style!

Beverly Barager is my Visiting Teaching partner.  She recently purchased this new cute red convertible!  I made her drive me around visiting teaching on one of our nice sunny it!  and love her!

Landon and Tennis! Senior Year 2011!

Landon played doubles this year.  He is playing with Andrew Bass.  They have really enjoyed playing together. They have won some and lost some.  Landon has really become quite a good player and I love watching him.  The only thing that's hard for me is that you're supposed to be quiet during tennis you know how hard that is for me?!  ....To be quiet during a competitive sport game?.....
Enjoy the pictures!
 getting low to drop it just over the net....the young man in the foreground is Landon's double partner, Andrew Bass.

 Landon has really perfected his mean serve....

 Yes....we've gone through a couple of tennis racquets and Landon has had to re-string his racquets on regular basis because of breaking the strings....He's learned how to do this on his own using the school's machine, saving us some cost and time taking them into the sports shop.  The school charges less than half the cost....

 Coach Cheney
 Coach Ihde

Way to go Landon!  Thanks for letting us watch all these years!