
Monday, October 3, 2011

Landon and Tennis! Senior Year 2011!

Landon played doubles this year.  He is playing with Andrew Bass.  They have really enjoyed playing together. They have won some and lost some.  Landon has really become quite a good player and I love watching him.  The only thing that's hard for me is that you're supposed to be quiet during tennis you know how hard that is for me?!  ....To be quiet during a competitive sport game?.....
Enjoy the pictures!
 getting low to drop it just over the net....the young man in the foreground is Landon's double partner, Andrew Bass.

 Landon has really perfected his mean serve....

 Yes....we've gone through a couple of tennis racquets and Landon has had to re-string his racquets on regular basis because of breaking the strings....He's learned how to do this on his own using the school's machine, saving us some cost and time taking them into the sports shop.  The school charges less than half the cost....

 Coach Cheney
 Coach Ihde

Way to go Landon!  Thanks for letting us watch all these years!

1 comment:

Breanna said...

Landon, you look AWESOME! I will say it's a serious bummer to have a fence grate across all the action photos of Landon. But I still love it.